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Success is not an exact result, but a way of life.


+359 52 60 60 52
+359 888 916 783


27 “G.S. Rakovski” Str.
9000 Varna, Bulgaria


Mon. – Fri.: 8:00AM – 4:00PM



Established in 2005, “Dr. Chitalova” dental center regards the oral health of their patients as its highest priority.

N. Chitalova

N. Chitalova

Oral surgeon and Chief stomatologist

Owner, manager and a highly respected name in the dentistry practice. Dr. Chitalova has many awards and certificates, but the gratitude of her patients serves as the best evidence for her competence and professional ethics.

Dr Chitalova dental center is situated on a convenient location, in the heart of Varna.

Come visit!

След като се срещнах с усмихнатите професионалисти от вашата клиника, вече зная, че хубавата усмивка и здравите зъби могат да се превърнат в реалност без болка и на достъпни цени.
Не съм очаквал, че някога ще ходя с удоволствие при зъболекаря си…

Ангел М.

A world class service and a dental care that give any UK dentistry a run for its money. You come highly recommended and now I know why.

Steven R.